IN LiFe most of the times we are like those prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment... that's why we are forever seeking that secret hollow wall in a hope to break through and escape!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
JuSt because I make you laugh does not mean that I am a ClOwN.
May be you are laughing at yourself!
May be you are laughing at yourself!
Monday, December 15, 2008
OuT iN tHe BlUe....
Silence did speak louder yesterday. The mighty ocean composed of tiny grains of sand, lil' drops of water and ever merging countless thin ripples! At first the enchanting vast stretch of water under the looming backdrop of equally infinite sky looked like as if I was watching a movie on mute. Far away some large boats circled around a rusty metallic ship. Near the beach scattered groups of happy faces were having some good time. White couples hand in hand with colorful hats were simply drifting away from the crowd and I envied their solace. My feet enjoyed every warmth and coolness that the sand had to provide as I neared the water. A huge wave rolled and crashed against my being jostling my body with force and that's when my movie was no longer played in mute.
I decided to move further deep and I saw another leaping wave approaching me. This time I had to look up as they crashed and threw me away. I laughed screwing my nose at the same time spilling large amount of salty water from my mouth. And lo! before I could recover the ocean gave me more in gallons. This time I was furious like a child who has just been pushed down and laughed at. I went deeper and shouted at those forming waves that came like a shark showing only the tip portion of its existence. This time I lifted my body and decided to sway with it. The waves gently lifted me up to some height and left my body to enjoy the floating sensation as they went past and hit the shores with crashing sound. The sight was truly beautiful! From then on I felt like a child asking for more from the giant hands that throw him up in the air.
I swam and swam and swam till I felt hungry. I let the waves push and throw my body to the beach and which they did in rhythm. I let the water play the hit and run game as the sun warmed my body. I clutched and watched the sand in my hands as my thoughts went past Gulliver, Crusoe and Hanks.
It was time for food and how hungry I was! I think I ate like those savage men. Smacking my lips with the back of my hand after drinking a glassful of water was really satisfying. I rolled a cigarette on my lips which I had kept for this perfect moment. Now, lying down on a swinging hammock and to watch the movie in mute was perfect bliss. Silence was getting louder. They gave thoughts to my pen.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Running thoughts...
I hit the road early morning and put my favorite record on. With sleepy eyes I scan the air like a lazy shark. Neon lights interweave from different angles deepening darkness and brightening contours of city landscape. Silence humbles every life here and the car as if acknowledging the fact simply purrs and glide gently along the chosen path. I smell life as we cross the river. How I wish if I could walk freely under water and say hello to water beings! The morning breeze runs softly across my face like a tickling feather and my lips half-break into smile. The earth sets in motion for another spin, speeding its way toward another revolution. It's December now and I am ready with my open wings to plunge into river 9ine. One thing I learnt this year is that the battle gets tougher before its arrival, gets over before you notice it and the funny thing is you are still busy fighting for no apparent reason.
I believe sometimes we human beings act like a blind man in a corner of his small room. The blind man thinks he does not require any light and he further darkens his world. He likes to remain in his favorite chair and feel unlucky, miserable and sees those around who can see with hate and jealousy. He walls himself in a corner thinking that more space would mean more trouble for his centre of attraction is the fear of losing his favorite chair while he wanders about. The room breathes stale air for he dislikes any outside interference.
How nice it would be for him if he could just walk outside and forget brooding about on his favorite chair. There is so much the world has to offer. The only thing he needs to do is to receive them with open arms. Then the sound of birds and animals, the hullabaloo of busy lives would keep him busy. The sun and the moon would nestle around him like a caring snake. The wind and the rain would excite him like the touch of a woman. Food and wine moreover taste better when you are tired and hungry. Add to it a lively conversation which is actually better than a movie. With soft music in the stillness of the night the experience can be expressed only in terms of bliss. Lastly, sleep... a wonderful gift from the creator where for one time you are left only with yourself. Really, it all depends on how you think and the rest follows accordingly.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Looking back...
We couldn't live together nor without each other.
And each year that passed seemed just like another.
And like everything that goes up we came down.
We crashed and shattered but without any sound.
We just didn't end up being together.
And what a way to last forever.
Monday, September 15, 2008
He came to take me
on a black sabbath day.
With rituals under cover,
he gave me no words to utter.
There was a full moon on the sky.
Someone walked across me.
It was just another day
with so much left to see.
What a surprise?
I heard a shot.
There was noise outside the window.
Someone slipped into a room.
I looked around.
I saw unhappy faces.
I had a warm feeling.
I looked down.
It was blood smiling warmly at me,
soaking my underpants.
I collapsed.
Is this what they call death?
I thought.
I had a dizzy feeling.
My lil' world revolved around me.
There were shrieks and cries.
I opened my eyes for one last time.
I saw images flickering like a candle.
I heard shouts but 'twas too late.
Someone closed my lids.
I could hear the siren.
I heard footsteps quite close by.
Some hands lifted my body.
I felt light like a feather.
I opened my eyes again.
Death was staring at me
I said, ' who the hell shot me?'
My daddy was asked to sign a paper
but his hands got shaky on the paper.
No. It was not cold.
In fact, he is very bold.
No. He was not nervous.
In fact, he is quite boisterous.
'Daughter you make me proud',
is wat he'd cried in a crowd.
I stood first again in my class
and still I wore no glass.
He was in his finest suite.
He was looking very cute.
His hat slanted in a perfect style,
his face was full of naughty smiles.
Tears trickled down his cheeks
and he pinched my red cheeks.
'Twas quite a lot of bliss
to seal his lips with a kiss.
We left the room hand in hand
heading toward the motor stand.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I rest my forehead on my finger tips.
Rings of smoke still linger around them.
Breaking locks they slither through my curly hair.
They touch some of my sticky thoughts.
So they quickly slide down my forehead.
I press my closed lids with my palms.
It's soothing!
I rub my cheeks up and down.
The remorse is felt in pumping region.
I feel the rumble like some static movement.
They run upward like some molten lava.
I cup my breaking mouth obstructing snivels.
I succeed for a while.
The molten lava moves further upward
and my fingers rush to hold my closed lids,
to hold yet another swelling dam!
This time they break and stain my fingers.
I clear my nose.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
It's time to prepare for the great act.
I dread to meet the Mirror.
Oh! But we have a common bond.
We feed on each other!
There you are.
You splash reality rudely on my face
and laugh like a thousand bulbs.
I twist my face in anguish and there your hoots get louder.
My Cheeks are still smeared with paints.
They don't go easily.
Anyways, we were drunk after the show.
Who cares for a clean wash!
We all are colorful beings.
I spread paints on my face again.
It's white today, yellow tomorrow.
My brows are cut short and thick.
There is hardly any moustache left.
Just a small square above my lip.
I stick a red ball on my nose tip.
Smear red on my lips and frown.
The multi colored jingling hat
settles on my head like a crown.
I smoke a cigarette.
Jake the dwarf lost his life yesterday.
The gymnast is still grieving.
We all were moaning after the show
when Peter started weeping.
He looked so funny with his expressions
that we all broke into laughter and
cried again with tears in our eyes.
The show must go on.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
To. . .
There is so much to talk, to write, to learn, to widen horizon of the mind, to straighten up souls… both yours and mine, to clean off the dirt and stop it from piling up, to make life purposeful, to explore different galaxies of the mind, to push achievements to greater heights, to pray for the dead… pray so that art, science and music touch greater heights, to imagine the impossible and bring it down to reality, naming it, creating a new identity, new meaning, new theme… so that our humanity can look upto it, place in some high altar, glorify for a moment and forget it like all great wars only to move ahead, to imagine another impossible thing and drag it down to reality!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When birds fly past the setting sun
And the sky glows in varied hues.
My eyes scan the blue blanket above
for something unseen, something divine.
I don't know.
The serenity encompass my being
like a mother does to her new born child.
I try to communicate with this stranger,
in the uncanny mode available.
I pray.
I remember the times when stars shone
my cheeks as they hurried past others.
It was bliss.
I wonder what if the sky, the thin air
were but like those glasses permitting
only one way vision. Is he looking at me?
I don't know. It is complex.
I hope my search ends someday.
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