Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The recess awakes you from your splurge.

Sometimes in life I think we get stranded like a piece of wood near the roaring shore. It just seems you were very much part of the mischievous activities a lil' while ago... storming and swaying together with the waves. All of a sudden you find the water receding and you are stranded. There is no movement. The Sun quickly absorbs all association you had with the sea and heats you dry. It almost seems impossible seeing the vast stretch of sand between you and your destiny. All you can do is wait for the tides to rise or a strong wind. Come night and nocturnal beings buzz, flap and crawl around you. You look up and see stars bloom and fade with each passing night. You turn philosophical or rather ask questions to your self without any need of definite answer. Suddenly one fine day you are lifted without any touch of water but by something dry. Someone tries to test his strength and so flings you with all his might. You of course splash where you had longed for and try to push yourself away from the shore but you are awake somewhere anew.

1 comment:

rustyhead said...

liked it. keep it simple. its more like u...