Monday, September 03, 2012

TiMe cApSuLe…

It was a heady blend
My rum, your whiskey
In darkness they flickered
Those stray stars overhead
Darkness our refuge!

Our backs on the wall
Our Feet stretched out
Our nearness rest athwart
All for ‘Morrow’s goodbye
Silence our cradle!

Silence employs disquiet
Between two melting hearts
And coy silence broke
With our sporadic swigs
Silence gift people Present!

Next to a beam gone astray
stretched not too far
I watched your feet shine
And watched your ring shine
When it chink the bottle!

I hold you in my arm
Thinking about all the things
going back in time…
Across the sky …
I spot one glittery star!

A gentle wind hit my nostril
carrying your enticing smell
And with every savor breathe
I began to gather them
For morrow and for memory!
Life is a portrait in creation
I color one streak onto yours
You splash one onto mine
I paint a pair of eyes for you
And you affix a tear drop!

I opened my eyes
Faraway dawn splotch
Unveiling sleepy horizon
I watched your closed eyes
Quiver in that faint light

I closed my eyes too
Shut the impending daylight
Rejoined the dance of nimble lips
And kept the gentle flame alight
I bring to a close; OuR TiMe cApSuLe!

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